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Text File | 1998-09-29 | 8.9 KB | 173 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
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- README.TXT for SSEYO Koan Pro V2.1 - Macintosh Version 1st October 1998
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- Note - SSEYO Koan Pro and the accompanying information are copyright materials
- of SSEYO Ltd. Be sure that you agree to the license terms that
- accompany this product, before using the software !
- =============================================================================
- A Bit of Background
- -------------------
- The project to port Koan Pro to the Apple Mac platform was in response to
- considerable demand from Mac fans ! We started things off at the end of May
- 1998, and were up-to-speed by the end of June. The first Beta release came
- in mid August, with a final release date of 1st October 1998. We really hope you
- appreciate our efforts, and like the product : and do please be sure to let
- your friends know about it !
- Details
- -------
- 1. Requirement : Power Mac with MacOS 7 or later. MacOS 7.5 or later
- recommended. SSEYO's Koan software is not available for 680x0 Macs.
- 2. Requirement : The programs require at *least* 5 Megabytes of free memory in
- which to run.
- 3. Requirement : To install the software, you'll need to have Aladdin Systems'
- StuffIt expander installed on your Mac. You can get this from :
- http://www.aladdinsys.com.
- 4. Requirement : Koan for the Power Mac requires OMS from Opcode systems
- (http://www.opcode.com). Be sure to install at least the freely
- downloadable OMS Lite, before running your Koan software !
- 5. Requirement : To view the manual, which comes in pdf format, you will
- require the freely-downloadable Adobe Acrobat reader from
- http://www.adobe.com.
- 6. Optional : If you can't afford a synthesizer, install Apple's freely
- downloadable Quick Time Musical Instruments (QTMI) before installing OMS !
- (http://quicktime.apple.com, or http://www.apple.com).
- Note that QTMI is included with the latest version of QuickTime, 3.02 at
- the time of writing.
- 7. Note : Some features of Koan Pro for Windows are not implemented. These
- include :
- - No on-line help system : instead, we use a PDF version of the Koan Pro
- manual. Note that this is for the Windows version of Koan Pro, which
- is almost identical to the Mac version.
- - SoundFont support (only available for certain soundcards under Windows)
- - WAV file playback and recording
- - Special Direct X features (only available for Windows)
- - Multithreaded composer (MacOS is currently not multithreaded)
- - Fine-tuning of the high priority conductor timer settings
- - There is no template list maintenance from the Mac -
- if you want a file to be in the list of templates available to you when
- you select File | New, then simply copy them to your TEMPLATE directory.
- - Keyboard accelerators are different : mostly, they match, using the
- "cmnd" key where the Windows version uses the Control key. To find out
- what the accelerators are, have a look at the Menu (they are listed
- alongside each option !).
- Note that in Koan Pro for Power Mac, the AWE controllers (PC specific) are
- still displayed and editable, even though they have no audible effect on the
- Mac. The reason for this is to ensure a consistent user interface across
- both our PC and Mac products.
- 8. Note : Graphics performance for Koan Pro on the Mac is noticeably slower to
- our eyes than on a dollar-equivalent PC. The primary reason for this is that
- the cross-platform development tool we have used to help achieve the port,
- does a good job but doesn't give absolute best GUI performance. We think
- that this is somewhat tunable, by writing a lot more totally Mac-specific
- display code, but we wont't be able to justify the expense of this unless
- we get the sales to justify ! So if you want to speed things up, please
- do your best to promote SSEYO to your friends and colleagues ! :-)
- 9. Note : You prefences are stored in your Mac's Preferences folder (which is
- in turn in your System folder), in files like SSEYO.INI, KPRO32.INI and
- KPRO32D.INI. These files are directly viewable with your favourite text
- editor : but please don't modify yourself, unless explicity asked to by
- SSEYO Technical support staff !
- 10.Note : All SSEYO Koan files (SKD, SKT, SKP) work just fine with Windows
- versions of the SSEYO Koan software (and vice-verca). If you transfer a file
- from the PC to the Mac, and can't see the file when trying to open the file
- from Koan Pro (using File | Open), then this is because the file comes across
- without a file type resource. To open the file, simply change the file type
- list to "All Files" : all file types will be shown : you can then open the
- transferred file. If you re-save the file on the Mac, then the file will be
- visible by default if you try to re-open the file.
- 11.Tip : Save your Koan files with either ".skd" or ".skt" file extensions.
- This will make it far easier to exchange your files with PC users, and is
- also essential for playing your files over the Internet !
- =============================================================================
- Problems ? Check out the Koan Mac trouble-shooter FAQ !
- =============================================================================
- Q: OMS is installed and it sees quicktime instruments, but no sound comes
- out of Koan (except for a low frequency drone). What should I check to
- see that everything is hooked up right? Actually in OMS, although it sees
- QT musical instruments, there is red international "no" symbol drawn on top
- of it. Perhaps I have not turned something on somewhere?
- A: By default with OMS the QuickTime musical instruments are off !
- If the icon in the application "OMS Setup" is a red circle with a line
- through it then you need to enable QT musical instruments.
- If you double-click the crossed QT icon in your OMS setup, a new window
- appears which gives the option to turn QT on/off. You should select 'on' to
- use QT as an active synthesiser.
- You can also use the keystrokes cmnd+t to test the connection, i.e. press
- the apple key and 't' together, the cursor changes to a quaver and you
- basically click the quaver over the synthesiser (OMS will make an audible
- verification of a successful connection); if you have a dummy keyboard,
- you can simply press some keys on the controller (while in test mode) and
- OMS will tell you if midi was received.
- Alternatively, select the icon next to QuickTime musical instruments and
- choose "Midi device info..." from the studio menu, a modal dialog will
- appear called "Configue QuickTime synth". Click the radio button next to
- "on" to enable. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.
- Q: How do I set-up my MIDI controller with OMS, to play using Listening voices ?
- A: Setup of external devices with OMS is beyond the scope of this README file !
- Refer to the documentation that came with your keyboard, to see how
- to configure this with OMS.
- Q: What do I do if the Koan Pro splash screen hangs ?
- A: This is due to an intermittent Mac-specific bug we haven't tracked down yet.
- If this happens, then just jiggle the mouse around, it will disappear in a
- few seconds.
- Q: What do I have to do with the extension OMSLibPPC.slb ?
- A: This file just sits there, as a kind of glue around the OMS services.
- There is nothing you have to do with it!
- Q: What versions has this software been tested on ?
- A: Mac OS 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, OMS 2.31, QuickTime 3.0, etc. etc., Power Mac Quadra,
- Power Computer, Power Mac 9600, PowerBooks etc. etc. We've tried to cover
- pretty much everything !
- Q: What is up with the dark selector box, which occasionally displays oddly ?
- A: This is due to some odd generic display bugs, which are not fatal ! If they
- ever appear and you want to get rid of them, simply hide the window and
- redisplay.
- Q: When playing-back with QuickTime musical instruments : it can take a short
- while for the instrument settings to change (e.g. might start with Piano,
- and then change to my selected patch after a couple of seconds).
- Why is this ?
- A: This appears in some way to be due to QT's implementation : engineers at
- Apple are aware of this problem.
- Q: I really like this product ! How can I help to publicise it ?
- A: Please feel free to spread the word to your friends, by any methods
- you can think of (talking, e-mail, newsgroups, carrier-pigeon ...) :)
- SSEYO depends on your goodwill and publicity !
- =============================================================================
- Please refer to the Generic Koan Pro readme file for further information !
- =============================================================================
- Special thanks to the following Mac fans who helped us to get our facts
- straight in this FAQ :-) :
- - Dave Murphy
- - Sam Dewitt
- - Joseph McLean
- - Marko Tandefelt